Serving New Haven & Fairfield Counties, Norwalk, Stamford, Greenwich

Greenwich, CT Painting Contractor HIC#600605

Before & After

Residential Painting Before & After Photos

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Exterior Painting in Shelton, CT

Exterior painting project in Shelton, CT.

Exterior Painting in Shelton, CT

These customers called us for new exterior painting after their neighbors completed their project in Shelton, CT.

Bumpy and Faded to Smooth and Bright: Exterior Painting in Shelton, CT

A rigid and dull exterior in Shelton, CT was transformed into a smooth and bright area thanks to our crew at MDF Painting!

Exterior Painting in Shelton, CT

Our crew performed exterior painting services for a customer in Shelton, CT! The house looks more updated, giving it the true beauty it deserves!

Interior Painting in Shelton, CT

Our team provided interior painting services in Shelton, CT. The staircase looks brand new again and the homeowner is thrilled with the result!

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

MDF Painting & Power Washing LLC
500 West Putnam Avenue #400A
Greenwich, CT 06830
Service Area
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