Serving New Haven & Fairfield Counties, Norwalk, Stamford, Greenwich

Greenwich, CT Painting Contractor HIC#600605

Before & After

Residential Painting Before & After Photos

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Interior Painting in Milford, CT

Our client in Milford needed a repair before we applied new paint!

Interior Painting in Milford, CT

A multi-room interior painting project featuring color changes in Milford, CT.

Exterior Painting in Milford, CT

An exterior painting project that had a color change to soft green in Milford, CT.

Exterior Painting in Milford, CT

Exterior painting for a rental home with peeling paint for a repeat customer in Milford, CT.

Exterior Painting in Milford, CT

MDF was called to sand and replace any cedar shingles that needed to be replaced. Re-stain to match the existing stain on this home located in Milford, CT. We also repainted the concrete wall below the shingles. 

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

MDF Painting & Power Washing LLC
500 West Putnam Avenue #400A
Greenwich, CT 06830
Service Area
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