Serving New Haven & Fairfield Counties, Norwalk, Stamford, Greenwich

Greenwich, CT Painting Contractor HIC#600605

Before & After

Residential Painting Before & After Photos

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Exterior Painting in Orange, CT

Exterior painting and carpentry for this home in Orange, CT.

Pressure Washing in Orange, CT

This customer called MDF to have her roof professionally washed. 

Residential Condo Exterior Painting in Beacon Falls, CT

MDF Painting and Power Washing was contacted to update and touch multiple condo buildings in Beacon Falls, CT. Our crew worked in teams to power wash various buildings, sand decks if needed and paint the exterior of the condos and stain decks if needed. Our team color matched the paint perfectly and was able to bring these condos a fresh updated look!

Interior Wood Staining in Waterbury, CT

Wilfredo fixed this wood stain and made it shine again in Waterbury, CT.

Door Painting in Glastonbury, CT

This front door changed colors after MDF added fresh paint in Glastonbury, CT.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

MDF Painting & Power Washing LLC
500 West Putnam Avenue #400A
Greenwich, CT 06830
Service Area
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